
We write on behalf of the unheard millions.

The Begining of Operation Fistula

We have been really, really busy over the last couple of years. This has kept us from keeping up on...

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2nd International Day to End Obstetric Fistula

For many people, Obstetric fistula isn’t something they wilfully ignore. It’s something they...

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The week's roundup: fistula in the news

Mentions of fistula in the media tend to be few and far between.

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Chelsea Clinton: “I’m obsessed with diarrhea”

This week, journalists have been obsessed with Chelsea Clinton’s “obsessed with diarrhea”...

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Gender Equality in Foreign Aid: New Bill Aims to Set Precedent

Women across the world still suffer disproportionately from poverty, lack of education, and...

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Aid satire and the rise of the “takedown”

Apart from a short clip, I haven’t watched the new Kenyan “mockumentary” series The Samaritans. I’m...

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Happy 90th birthday, Dr. Hamlin!

As you may have noticed when we tweeted about it last month, the fistula community has come...

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Healthy Mothers = Healthy Society

This past May, I set foot in the country of Lesotho for the first time. The primary purpose of my...

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Breast Ironing: Mutilation for Protection?

Earlier this month, I read a piece in the Guardian about breast ironing. Mothers mutilate their...

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2 years, and $14,545 later...

I am proud to announce that Mountains for Moms at Cornell has raised $14,545, enough funds to...

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Two Paths, One Goal

We’re always looking for new ways to talk about fistula. It has been a decade since the UN...

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Awareness: Still the Missing Link

The Body Is Weird and Gross! Wanna Talk About It?

In our office, no topic is off-limits. We are, after all, an organization that spends a good...

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The Passing of a Literary Father

“Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.”

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Gates Says It’s Time to Reinvent the Condom

In yet another demonstration of Bill and Melinda Gates being the coolest nerds on the planet, their...

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New Global Health Journals Launched

Here’s something worth a look: two new global health journals are headed our way in the very near...

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Lessons from a Kenyan Election

We all remember with horror the aftermath of the 2007 presidential elections in Kenya, which saw...

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Bubbles: How We Create Our Circles of Caring

Zadie Smith is one of those contemporary writers who, despite being celebrated for her very...

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The Power of Pee -- Literally

Here at Operation Fistula, we’re accustomed to the awkward conversation-halters and...

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Malawi Eyes Law to Raise Marriage Age: Why This Matters

The government of Malawi recently announced an intention to raise the age of marriage from 15 to...

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Officially a Charity!

We have arrived!!! Yes, that is right, we just got a letter from the IRS that let us know that...

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Jessica Speaks

We had a great deal of interest in Shannon's posting about Jessica, the young fistula survivor who...

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An Afternoon with Jessica

As Seth sprinted off to the surgical ward to accompany Dr. John Kelly in a complex fistula surgery...

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Determination Personified

Determined. That is the best word to describe John Kelly. I know, I know. If you look at my blog...

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On the Road...Again

To get an idea of how local people travel and to understand the challenges of moving long distances...

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The Glorious Smile of the Great John Kelly

In the DRC, internet connectivity was rarely available and my Rwandan phone didn’t work. So when I...

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On the Road...

Just to give some idea of how much we are moving around, and the means by which we are doing it, we...

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A Volatile Day of Intense Emotions

At breakfast the next morning, Lyn and I chatted through some ideas regarding developing an...

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The Kumbe Moment

The short night had not only robbed me of slumber but it also nearly made me late. I scrambled to...

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The Reality on the Ground

I’m not sure if it was the flashing Travel Advisory by the State Department or the stories of...

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Rwanda Video Posted

Click here to see a short video slideshow from our recent trip to Rwanda.

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To DRC or not to DRC?

Safety first. Every decision on this trip has started with ensuring that we have a safe and secure...

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Butare Birthday Bonanza

I spent my 24th birthday at a hospital in Butare, Rwanda, meeting sad yet hopeful women awaiting...

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Beat-up Transport & Surprise Enthusiasm

We boarded the overnight train in Mombasa knowing about the possibility of massive delay (and...

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The Long Road to African Hospitality

After twenty four hours of departure delays, missed flights and mindless people-watching in...

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The Pilot Concept

Sun drenched cafés, open air cinemas, and the burst of applause roaring from a pack of rabid...

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If you want to make something happen…

How does a twenty three old woman who has never been to Africa decide to spend her entire summer...

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Defining the (ad)Venture

Why am I doing this? Why did I choose to leave a promising private sector career path and devote a...

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We Just Funded Our First Operation!

I'm on cloud nine. I just transferred 388 ceedees ($390 or 248€) to Dr. Lucia Visser of Holy Family...

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Fufu, Mr. Devotion and Smiling Isabella

Anyone who has spent any time in a hospital knows that the food there is usually pretty terrible,...

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Introducing Glenda and Isabella

Before starting this entry, I just wanted to remind everyone that in order to get a notification...

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The Road to Berekum

The driver arrived at our hotel before sunrise this morning and graciously waited as John and I...

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The John Kelly Connection

Dr. John Kelly, or “Kelly“ as he calls himself, is a one of a kind. I was delighted when Steve...

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Luck³: Three Big Meetings

“Luck,” the Roman philosopher Seneca said, “is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

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Taking the Leap

Today, I changed my life. After considerable research and self reflection, I left a very promising...

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Taking the Leap

Today, I changed my life. After considerable research and self reflection, I left a very promising...

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