
We write on behalf of the unheard millions.

The week's roundup: fistula in the news

Mentions of fistula in the media tend to be few and far between.

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Happy 90th birthday, Dr. Hamlin!

As you may have noticed when we tweeted about it last month, the fistula community has come...

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Two Paths, One Goal

We’re always looking for new ways to talk about fistula. It has been a decade since the UN...

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Bubbles: How We Create Our Circles of Caring

Zadie Smith is one of those contemporary writers who, despite being celebrated for her very...

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An Afternoon with Jessica

As Seth sprinted off to the surgical ward to accompany Dr. John Kelly in a complex fistula surgery...

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Determination Personified

Determined. That is the best word to describe John Kelly. I know, I know. If you look at my blog...

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On the Road...Again

To get an idea of how local people travel and to understand the challenges of moving long distances...

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The Glorious Smile of the Great John Kelly

In the DRC, internet connectivity was rarely available and my Rwandan phone didn’t work. So when I...

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Butare Birthday Bonanza

I spent my 24th birthday at a hospital in Butare, Rwanda, meeting sad yet hopeful women awaiting...

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Beat-up Transport & Surprise Enthusiasm

We boarded the overnight train in Mombasa knowing about the possibility of massive delay (and...

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