
We write on behalf of the unheard millions.

2nd International Day to End Obstetric Fistula

For many people, Obstetric fistula isn’t something they wilfully ignore. It’s something they...

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Gender Equality in Foreign Aid: New Bill Aims to Set Precedent

Women across the world still suffer disproportionately from poverty, lack of education, and...

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Aid satire and the rise of the “takedown”

Apart from a short clip, I haven’t watched the new Kenyan “mockumentary” series The Samaritans. I’m...

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Healthy Mothers = Healthy Society

This past May, I set foot in the country of Lesotho for the first time. The primary purpose of my...

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Bubbles: How We Create Our Circles of Caring

Zadie Smith is one of those contemporary writers who, despite being celebrated for her very...

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