
We write on behalf of the unheard millions.

Seth Cochran

Recent Posts

Officially a Charity!

We have arrived!!! Yes, that is right, we just got a letter from the IRS that let us know that...

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Jessica Speaks

We had a great deal of interest in Shannon's posting about Jessica, the young fistula survivor who...

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Determination Personified

Determined. That is the best word to describe John Kelly. I know, I know. If you look at my blog...

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On the Road...Again

To get an idea of how local people travel and to understand the challenges of moving long distances...

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The Glorious Smile of the Great John Kelly

In the DRC, internet connectivity was rarely available and my Rwandan phone didn’t work. So when I...

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On the Road...

Just to give some idea of how much we are moving around, and the means by which we are doing it, we...

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A Volatile Day of Intense Emotions

At breakfast the next morning, Lyn and I chatted through some ideas regarding developing an...

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The Kumbe Moment

The short night had not only robbed me of slumber but it also nearly made me late. I scrambled to...

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Rwanda Video Posted

Click here to see a short video slideshow from our recent trip to Rwanda.

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To DRC or not to DRC?

Safety first. Every decision on this trip has started with ensuring that we have a safe and secure...

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